What is TouchTyping? TouchTyping is a method of typing where by your fingers rest on a set of keys called the HOME ROW Each finger is responsible for striking certain keys only, i.e. The little finger on the left hand strikes ONLY the !, 1, Q, A, Z, Tab and left shift. It NEVER strikes any other key. The fingers are assigned home row keys as follows: LEFT HAND RIGHT HAND 1. little finger = A little finger = ; 2. ring finger = S ring finger = L 3. middle finger = D middle finger = K 4. index finger = F index finger = J right thumb = space bar ^ The program will load any ASCII file with an .LSN extension for practice. Included in the archive are several files to practice on. You should first practice with LESSON1 then progress on to LESSON2, etc. These lessons are designed to get your fingers use to the keys they are responsible for. When you finish with these instructions you will be presented with a list of files that may be used for practice. Simply move the highlighted bar with the up/down arrow keys to the file you want to use for practice. Then press ENTER. ^ A couple of things happen after you press ENTER. First the file you chose is read into memory. Next, a picture of the keyboard, a timer, and a row of text are placed on screen. The function of the timer is easy to figure out. The keyboard is pretty straight forward too. Examine the keyboard and notice that around the HOME ROW letters are double boxes. This is to help you place your fingers properly. REMEMBER - Your fingers should always be in these double boxes. When you have to move one to strike a key it should quickly return to its home position. The keyboard is proportionally drawn so that it should be a close match to your keyboard. ^ Now look at the row of text near the top of the screen. Notice that either a letter is in high intensity or you see a cursor before or between letters. This indicated which letter you are supposed to strike next. As a further aid, the location of the letter is flashing on the keyboard below. This allows you to easily locate the letter on the keyboard. Notice also that one of the HOME ROW boxes has thick vertical bars on each side of the letter. This is to show you which finger you are supposed to use to strike the flashing letter. The idea is to strike the flashing letter with the finger that is inside the indicated box then quickly move the finger back into its proper box. Repeated practice will TEACH your fingers which keys they are supposed to strike, where their letters are, and where their HOME ROW position is. It is very important that your fingers move back to their home row position after striking each letter. The HOME ROW positions are the reference points that your fingers will use when learning where the keys are located. ^ Hitting the ESC key will give you a menu on the bottom of the screen This menu gives you the options of Quitting, Loading another practice file, or getting a report card. When looking at your Report Card in the beginning DO NOT BE CONCERNED WITH SPEED rather, be concerned with ACCURACY! Speed will come with practice...... ^ G O O D L U C K !